Multiple imputation of school evasion variables with large amounts of missing values

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Apply multiple imputation in three datasets that include each one dichotomic variable with over 50% missing values.

Statistical Analysis for Bart Norbertus (Netherlands, 2021)

Analyses performed

  1. Descriptive analysis
  2. Inferential analysis
  3. Missing data imputation
  4. Statistical models


The client has requested that this analysis be kept confidential until a future date, determined by the client. All documents from this consultation are therefore not published online and only the title and year of the analysis will be included in the consultant’s Portfolio. After the agreed date is reached, the documents will be released.

Analytical Plan (SAP)

Statistical Analysis Report (SAR)

Associated analyses

This analysis provides support to the main analysis, linked below.

Impact of government measures to prevent school evasion on wages in the Netherlands