Study design for association between BMI and dysvascular lower extremity amputation in Israel: retrospective cohort

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The objective of the study is to determine the age-adjusted incidence rate ratio of lower extremity amputation across varying BMI groups in patients with dysvascular disease in Israel.

Statistical Analysis for (undisclosed MD researcher) (Tel Aviv/IL, 2022)

Analyses performed

  1. Descriptive analysis
  2. Inferential analysis


The client has requested that this analysis be kept confidential. All documents from this consultation are therefore not published online and only the title and year of the analysis will be included in the consultant’s Portfolio.

Associated analyses

This analysis is part of a larger project and is supported by other analyses, linked below.

Study design for retrospective estimates of HR in patients with varying LGI levels

Study design for incidence of lower extremity amputation in Israel: retrospective cohort