Effect of income on (treatment redacted) in California, USA: cross-sectional weighted survey

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The California Health Interview Survey (CHIS, 2023) collects health data from the population California. This analysis uses data from the 2022 adult survey to assess whether an association can be detected between (treatment redacted) and income in the adult population.

To assess whether there is an association between income and the (treatment redacted) status in California, USA.

Statistical Analysis for [Undisclosed client] (UK, 2023)

Analyses performed

  1. Descriptive analysis
  2. Inferential analysis
  3. Statistical models


The client has requested that this analysis be kept confidential. All documents from this consultation are therefore not published online and only the title and year of the analysis will be included in the consultant’s Portfolio.

Analytical Plan (SAP)

Statistical Analysis Report (SAR)